Corin Cadence

From Wydd's Wiki
Corin Cadence
Occupation Student at Lorian Heights Academy
Species Human
Continent Kaldwyn
World Venaya
Featured In Arcane Ascension, Weapons and Wielders
Attunements: Enchanter (Forehead)

Arbiter (Hand) - Right Hand

Crystal Marks: Transcendence Shrine Crystal : Transcendence (Left Hand)

Corin Cadence is the point of view character for the Arcane Ascension series of books.

Physical Description

Corin has wavy black hair and gray eyes like his sister Sera. He notes that both he and Sera are "Not as skinny as Marissa but in a good shape.".


Corin is very introverted and socially inept. He shows aversion to touch, which is implied to be due to his father's strict upbringing/abuse. He is very loyal and goes to great lengths to help his friends even thoughtlessly. He prefers the analytical approach to problems over violence, which can be seen in his preference of puzzle rooms over monster rooms inside the Serpent Spire. He also frequently states his absolute dislike of colored tile puzzles, which is a hidden reference to the author, who is color-blind. He seems to be asexual, but biromantic.


Early Life

Corin was born to Magnus Cadence and Laura Lyran and is the second son of the house of Cadence. He was very close with his brother and attended school with many of his friends like Sera and Patrick. This changed after Tristan's disappearance as his mother took Sera's family when she left and Corin's father started homeschooling him to prepare him for his Judgement. Magnus would hit Corin to the point of scarring in private. He and Corin are shown to have quite a poor relationship and many of Corin's emotional problems seem to be due to this.

Sufficiently Advanced Magic

In Sufficiently Advanced Magic Corin takes his Judgement. In the Judgement, he gains the Book Trials of Judgement which is what allowed him to communicate with The Voice of the Tower that is later revealed to be his brother Tristan Cadence. Corin also gains Enchanter attunement and frees Echion, Vera Corrington, and Keras Selyrian from prison cells within the Serpent Spire. Katashi attacks the group after the prison break clashing with Keras Selyrian while Vera and Corin escape with Echion. The Voice of the Tower asks Corin to tell Professor Orden what happened. Soon after, Corin is reacquainted with Sera Cadence, who Corin's father, Magnus, has just legitimized. While at school, Corin is reacquainted with Patrick Wayland and Roland Royce. At school he enchants various things for Jin Dalen (One of his romantic interests), befriends Marissa Callahan, and forms a apprentice-mentor relationship with Professor Orden and Professor Vellum. Additionally, he makes Patrick his retainer in order for Patrick to be able to ask Sera to the ball. Katashi later recognizes Corin during his attack on Beaufort. He tasks Corin with bringing Vera to the Serpent Spire to judge her for the kidnapping of his brother, Visage Tenjin. Corin heads to the tower with Jin Dalen, Sera Cadence, Professor Orden, Derek Hartigan, and Vera Corrington. Professor Orden betrays the group and it is revealed that Professor Orden and Tristan were involved with the kidnapping of Tenjin. Vera and Professor Orden are detained by Katashi for judgment. Jin escapes from the tower after Corin stops him from attacking Vera while aiming to save East Edria from a possible war that Vera's research on artificial attunements made possible. As thanks for successfully completing the mission of bringing Vera to the Spire, Katashi gives Corin an Arbiter attunement on his right hand.

On the Shoulders of Titans

The Torch That Ignites the Stars

The Silence of Unworthy Gods


Familial Relationships

Magnus Cadence
Father with whom he has an antagonistic relationship.[1] Corin likens conversations with his father to duels in his mind, keeping track of the current power dynamic meticulously.
Laura Lyran
Mother he has not seen for at least four years.[1]
Tristan Cadence
Older brother. Disappeared into the Serpent Tower during his Judgment. Presumed deceased.[1] Corin remembers his brother as being self-sacrificing, 'lifting [Corin] up, even at his own expense'[2].
Sera Cadence
Younger sister through Magnus Cadence.[1]

Friends and Associates

Patrick Wayland
One of Corin's childhood friends, now his first retainer. An Elementalist and magical weapon enthusiast.[1][3][4]
Marissa Callahan
Corin's friend, teammate, and frequent sparring partner.[1][3][4]
Jin Dalen
A mysterious foreign student from East Edria with a Sunstone level Mesmer attunement. His family is sworn to House Dalen, the former ruling house of East Edria from the days before it was under Edrian rule. He was badly injured after fighting against Corin in the Serpent Spire, but escaped using Corin's return bell[1]. They currently have a strained relationship.[3][4]
Cecily Lambert
One of Corin's closest childhood companions. Corin was possibly supposed to become engaged to Cecily. She is now a partner in his enchanting endeavors. [3]
Keras Selyrian
Mysterious foreign swordsman currently serving as Corin's bodyguard in order to get into the good graces of Katashi, the Visage of Valor.[1] He has taken to training Corin and Mara in his fighting style.[3]
Derek Hartigan
Heir to House Hartigan, an ancient noble house. Has an Emerald level Soulblade attunement. Corin, Sera, and their friends excluding Jin), spent the second half of the school year living at his place.[1][3]
Elora Theas
Heir to House Theas, an ancient noble house. She's an Emerald level Summoner, Derek's former (current?) paramour, and has a contract with the God Phoenix. She's also heavily involved with the same conspiracy that as Tristan and Lyras, but her real goals are unknown.[1][3]
Sheridan Theas
Elora Theas' sibling, and a follower of Wydd. Wields the restricted Necromancer attunement, but specializes in healing. Derek usually refers to them by the nickname "Deni”.[3]
Vera Corrington
Tower explorer that Corin first encountered during his Judgment. HE broke her out of a cell, then she stabbed him in the back. Eventually, he found her and escorted her back to the tower, where she turned herself in to Katashi to help prevent collateral damage from some of her actions related to ambushing Tenjin, one of the visages.[1]


Antonia Meltlake
Teaches "General Magic Theory" class[1], and test proctor[3]. Climbs the Tiger Spire with Corin and his companions.[4]
Lord Jonathan Teft
A Citrine level Shaper and Lord in Valia. In charge of Hydra Class. Teaches dueling[1].
Lyras Orden
A Wayfarer and Enchanter of unknown levels. In charge of Serpent Division and member of the Whispers, an organization that secretly serves the visages. Orden was involved with a conspiracy to kidnap the visage Tenjin, and she betrayed the team during a spire expedition in the middle of the first year[1].
Professor Vellum
An Enchanter and Abjurer of unknown level. Teaches classes on permanent enchantments. Served as Corin's mentor for most enchanting-related studies during the first year. She severely hurt herself rescuing Corin and other students from Mizuchi during the winter ball[1][3].


Some of the known magic and abilities available to Corin.

Attunements and Crystal Marks

Name Primary Mana Secondary Mana Tertiary Mana Function
Arbiter Transference[5] Life[6] Light[7]

An Attunement that specialized in purifying mana and transferring it into others[8].

Enchanter Transference[9] Mental[9] Light[10]

Enchanters can imbue items with mana to produce magical effects which differ based on the runes on the item[9].

Transcendence Mark Transcendence[4] - -

Allows for the use of Transcendence mana through a bond with the Transcendence Crystal[4].


Corin is able to create permanent magic items. He is best known for making items that give him an advantage in combat against others, even to the point of "cheating".
Mana Sight
Corin can use his mental mana to view the shroud of a person or the mana of items in his view. As his attunement level has increased, his ability to discern specifics with this spell has as well.
Mana Enhancement
Corin is able to channel purified mana into others to increase, or replenish, their mana. He typically only does this with gray mana, as he doesn't have many overlapping mana types with others he uses it on.
Attunement Enhancement
Corin is able to, briefly, enhance the level of an attunement. So far he has only used this on himself.
Corin has demonstrated the ability to use transference mana to increase his speed. He has trouble controlling his movements due to his lack of perception mana.
Enhanced Calculation
He can increase his mental speed to quickly calculate or process information. He has started using this in conjunction with his Haste spell to gain some control of his movement.
Aura Manipulation
Corin has the ability to link to an enchanted item's aura and manipulate it in various ways. He has used it to enhance the cutting ability of weapons, project the aura as a ranged attack, or move the mana a shield sigil projects to increase the protection in a specific area.
Shroud Manipulation
Corin can reshape his shroud to his needs. He has demonstrated the ability to create daggers and swords from his shroud.

Magic Items

The greatest, and most dangerous, of Corin's magical items, Selys Lyan is a sabre of unknown origin that has the ability to project ice in various ways, given to him by the Voice of the Tower[1]. There is supposedly a curse on the sword that dooms the wielder to be betrayed by the one closest to them[1]. The sword appears to be semi-sentient and responds to Corin's mental commands and desires. Corin later learns that a piece of the broken Sacred Sword Flowbreaker is contained within[4]. Corin later makes a contract with the spirit residing within Selys-Lyann: Therin Thorn. This contract gives Corin access to spirit mana.
The Jaden Box
A container that can store anything that can fit within its mouth and summon it back. It differs from most storage items in that it can store and retrieve items individually, as opposed to the normal everything in the same space and retrieved all at once. Additionally, it can be used to summon an individual as long as it has a full charge and the summoning individual has something linked to the individual being summoned[1]. This item was created by the legendary pre-attunement era sorceress Wrynn Jaden, whom Keras Selyrian summoned after the box had recharged fully. The Jaden Box was returned to Wrynn before she and Keras left.
Shield Sigil[1].
Phoenix Sigil[1].
Transference Sword
A sabre that Corin enchanted while he was forbidden to take Selys Lyann into tests or training. In place of the ice mana and abilities of Selys Lyan, the transference sword used transference mana to enhance its cutting ability or project cutting attacks at opponents. Corin gives it to a spirit during his trial with the Transcendence Crystal.
Demi Gauntlet
A small gauntlet that Corin enchants to act similarly to a dueling cane, but in addition to the normal gray mana, it can fire transference mana, granting it some more versatility in its use[1].
Mana Watch
Due to his crippling fear of overusing the mana in his mind, Corin creates the mana watch to show a person's current mana level over their normal capacity[1]. He makes three of these, two of which he gives to the Theas siblings, and the third he eventually gives to Cecily Lambert to prove to himself he no longer needs it to move forward.



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Sufficiently Advanced Magic
  2. Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 5
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 On the Shoulders of Titans
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 The Torch that Ignites the Stars
  5. On the Shoulders of Titans Chapter 11
  6. On the Shoulders of Titans Chapter 7
  7. The Torch that Ignites the Stars Chapter 14
  8. On the Shoulders of Titans Chapter 2
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Sufficiently Advanced Magic Appendix 1
  10. The Torch that Ignites the Stars Chapter 6