Cecily Lambert

From Wydd's Wiki
Cecily Lambert
Occupation Student at Lorian Heights Academy
Species Human
Continent Kaldwyn
World Venaya
Featured In Arcane Ascension, Weapons and Wielders
Attunements: Enchanter - Mental Specialization (Leg)

An Enchanter and former romantic interest of Corin Cadence. She becomes specialized in mental mana after attempting to complete a Second Judgement in the Tiger Spire on the recommendation of Annabelle Faran.

Physical Description[edit]



Sufficiently Advanced Magic[edit]

Corin sees her a few times, but deliberately avoids her.

On the Shoulders of Titans[edit]

The Torch that Ignites the Stars[edit]

The Silence of Unworthy Gods[edit]


Familial Relationships[edit]

Yunika Lambert

Friends and Associates[edit]

Corin Cadence

When they were younger, Cecily and Corin though they would be marrying each other one day.

Sera Cadence
Tristan Cadence



Attunements and Crystal Marks[edit]

Name Primary Mana Secondary Mana Tertiary Mana Function
Enchanter Transference mana Mental mana Light mana Mental Mana Attunement Specialization


Magic Items[edit]

  • An umbrella with a hidden sword and enchantments to disguise discussion and make others not notice those under the umbrella.
  • An enhanced Shield Sigil.
  • Several Mana Batteries

