On the Shoulders of Titans/Summary

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This page contains a chapter-by-chapter summary of On the Shoulders of Titans. We hope it will make it easier for find specific parts of the book, as well as a quick refresher to those who don't have the time for a re-read.

Chapter 1 - Well, that was unexpected

After reading in Trials of Judgment that The Voice of the Tower claims to be his brother, Corin asks his mother for a meeting and tells Sera and Patrick about it. The next morning (afternoon), Keras and Derek have a sparring session, which ends when Keras terrifies Tavare. Corin then discusses Jin's betrayal with Derek and decides not to alert the authorities. Derek also gives Corin a Signaling Stick and tells him that his new attunement is probably either a Restricted Attunement or an Ascended Attunement


Chapter 2 - Special Training

Corin and Marissa convince Keras to help with their training, and Corin tells Lars about his adventure in the spire. Later, Corin visits Researcher, who tells him that he has the Arbiter attunement, and a little about how it works in addition to giving him some ideas for helping Sera heal her mana scarring. He also discovers a tracking enchantment in his room.


Chapter 3 - Mismatch

In Teft's Dueling class, Corin's team gets split in two and has to go against one another in a colored-tile duel as the first part of their final exam. Both Sera and Marissa are limited in their current capabilities from their injuries, with Teft offering Sera a passing grade in case she chose not to take part due to her severe mana scarring, which she refuses. Corin and Marissa defeat Patrick and Sera, with Sera making a last ditch effort of getting Corin and Marissa eliminated together with herself. They also watch Rupert Kent and Desmond Vyres win against Kyra Dyson and Loria Marshall. Teft gives Sera a lower grade than if she hadn't participated.


Chapter 4 - Restricted Attunements

Corin visits Prof. Vellum, who identifies the potion he gave Sera as an Attunement Primer solution. He also discovers Sheridan Theas's name when looking into mana scarring, and asks Derek to plan a meeting, and asks Keras for some information to trade. Keras also tells Corin that some Children of the Tyrant are in Valia, and ways to spot them and their agents.


Chapter 5 - Options

Corin goes downstairs, and finds Teft, who is guarding them while Keras and Derek are gone. The next morning, Keras and Derek tell him that someone blew up the Grand Cathedral of Dalenos, as well as making other attacks on political and religious buildings. They also note that the spire is closed, and that nobody can get in or out. Later, they all empty out the Jaden box, which has a lot stuff in it, including Silverbrand, a teleporting dagger with a black aura that runs off, a communication earring, a ring of jumping, and a necklace of anti-Derek-controlling. Keras uses some silver from the Jaden box to make Bright Reflection, which Corin helps him to enchant.


Chapter 6 - Two Heads are Better than One

The Voice of the Tower offers proof that it is really Tristan Cadence, and Corin starts planning for a meeting. Later, Corin and Marissa bargain with a jorogumo and fight a hydra in Marissa's monster hunting class.


Chapter 7 - Overdoing it Just a Tad

In preparation of Sheridan's visit, Corin transfers his rock of regeneration into a bracer, then makes a Mana Regeneration Bracer. In doing so, he greatly overuses his mana, causing his hand to go numb.


Chapter 8 - Sorcery Scars

After determining that no permanent damage was done to his hand and waiting for it stop hurting, Corin trades his mana watch to Sheridan for Sera's healing. Sheridan immediately performs Sera's first operation, and gives Corin a business card for future contact.


Chapter 9 - Rest and Recovery

Following Sera's surgery, Corin starts to do some research on divination magic.


Chapter 10 - Difficult Questions

In preparation for the second part of Teft's during final, Corin and Marissa spar with Keras, who defeats then handily. Later, Corin has a class with a Controller, in which he reaches Carnelian in his Arbiter attunement. After speaking with researcher regarding his attunement, Corin talks to Jin in the hospital.
