Antonia Meltlake

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Antonia Meltlake
Aliases Professor Meltlake, Chancellor Meltlake, Antonia Hartigan (formerly)
Occupation Professor at Lorian Heights Academy
Species Human
Nation Valia
Continent Kaldwyn
World Venaya
Featured In Arcane Ascension, Weapons and Wielders
Attunements: Elementalist - Fire Specialization (Hand)

Antonia Meltlake, formerly Antonia Hartigan, is a powerful Elementalist and current Chancellor at Lorian Heights Academy

Physical Description




Familial Relationships

Friends and Associates


Attunements and Crystal Marks

Name Primary Mana Secondary Mana Tertiary Mana Function
Elementalist Fire[1] Air[1] Water Elementalists utilize Fire, Air, and Lightning magic in ranged combat. They are considered extremely strong offensive Attuned. [1].


Elementalist Attunement

Meltlake has the Elementalist attunement which gives her access to fire and air mana. The attunement allows her to easily combine them to form lightning mana. The Elementalist attunement also gives Meltlake earth mana. Meltlake has a shroud, a magical aura that slows down or stops attacks, from her attunement. Meltalke has reached the necessary mana to be a Sapphire level attuned (77,760 mana) but is only Emerald Rank A because there is no Sapphire level.

Fire Mana

Fire mana helps with protecting from extreme temperature changes.

Fire Stream

Meltlake can create a stream of fire which sprouts from her cane.

Fire Shroud

Meltlake can saturated her shroud with flames.


Meltlake can throw spheres of fire.

Splitting Fireball

Meltlake can throw spheres of fire which split into smaller spheres.

Flame Lance

Meltlake has a spell that creates a lance made from flames.

Flame Wall

Meltlake can form walls of flame.

Fire Wave

Meltlake can launch a wave of flame.

Air Mana

Air mana helps increase speed.


Meltlake can use her air mana to float. She can sit on the air.

Earth Mana


Meltlake can cause stone to envelop things she targets.

Lightning Mana

Lightning mana helps with reaction speed.

Lightning Storm

Meltlake was capable of teaching Patrick a lightning spell that creates a storm that periodically hits enemies with lightning bolts.

Weapon Electrification

Meltlake taught Patrick a spell that charges a weapon with lightning.

Chain Lightning

Meltlake taught Patrick a chain lightning spell.

Splitting Lightning

Meltlake can throw lightning which splits into multiple bolts.

Lightning Bolt

Meltlake can cast lightning bolt spells.

Fire Specialization

Magic Items


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sufficiently Advanced Magic Appendix 1