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Aliases Little Saff (by Aayara)
Species Vae’kes
Continent Mythralis
World Venaya
Featured In War of Broken Mirrors (mentioned), Weapons and Wielders (mentioned), Arcane Ascension

Saffron is a Vae'kes, a demi-god "child" of Vaelien, with the ability to steal magic from others. He is mentioned in both the War of Broken Mirrors series and the Weapons and Wielders series, appearing in the Arcane Ascension series as an antagonist in books two and four.

Physical Description[edit]

Saffron is tall, very thin, almost emaciated, and has dark green hair. His eyes are a bright yellow that almost looks gold. He wears white suits.[1][2]


Likes to tear his opponents apart with his bare hands. Saffron is very arrogant and self-assured, even allowing his opponents to prepare themselves to fight him. He is also vicious and foolish, disregarding the protection of Wrynn Jaden.[3]




  • Faster than Corin could perceive and run even when using haste (book 2)[1]
  • Physically tough - took a hit from a wyvern without moving an inch[1]
  • Required a tiny amount of effort to catch Elias, Warden of the Adamantine Wall[1]
  • Drain mana and steal magic[1]
  • Can use compulsion spells[1]
  • Physically strong - tore throat of a Citrine, snapped several stone spears that had pierced his body[1] Sent Derek flying. Punched through Sera's chest.[3]
  • Tracking + Teleportation[1]
  • Immense healing[1]
  • Illusions + Simulacrums[1]
  • Immortal[1]
  • Stone manipulation (walls, spikes, liquify and solidify)[3]
  • Could sense some familiar about Corin when he started talking about siblings[3]
  • Can produce shockwaves of invisible force.[3]
  • Can choke people a spell.[3]
  • Send out waves of force.[3]
  • Flame magic (stolen Rage of the God Phoenix)[1][3]
  • Invisibility[3]
  • Lightning magic (deflect, create it)[3]
  • Stability sorcery (stasis spells)[3]
  • Ice magic (stolen copy of god beast's frost from Sera)[3]
  • Cutting force on fingertips[3]
  • Banishment (Fragment of Father, I banish you)[3]
  • Block teleport and messaging.[3]



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 On the Shoulders of Titans CHAPTER XVIII – EVERYTHING THAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG
  2. The Silence of Unworthy Gods CHAPTER XXXIX – TRAIL OF BLOOD
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 The Silence of Unworthy Gods CHAPTER XXXX – THE THIRD PLAYER