
From Wydd's Wiki
Revision as of 03:52, 25 December 2021 by Jolteon0 (talk | contribs) (Added note about confusion with Diviners/Seers)
Primary Mana Knowledge
Secondary Mana Shadow
Tertiary Mana Motion
Compound Mana Secrets
Location Caelford
Spire Tiger Spire

The Analyst attunement is designed for figuring out the mechanics of how spells, items, and traps work. Analysts are well suited for enhancing their senses and digging expanding existing knowledge[1]. It has a primary mana type of mental mana and a secondary of shadow mana, which can be combined to make secrets mana. At citrine, it grants access to transference mana[2].

Caelish analysts are often compared to Valian diviners and Dalen seers, which are all related to information gathering. Analysts focus on processing data, and investigating secrets, while diviners are more focused on the gathering and preserving of raw information, often by creating memory crystals, and seers focus on gathering more temporary information via scrying[1].

The Analyst attunement is most commonly found in the Tiger Spire in Caelford[2].

Attunement Features

Features that are a result of specific attunement functions, rather than the types of mana available to the attuned.

Altitude Detection

Analysts can detect their current altitude without consulting equipment[3].

Secret Passage/item detection

While technically a function of Secrets mana, the analyst attunement grants the ability to detect hidden passages and items, typically through noticing small details, such as a low-density or thin wall[3][4].

Advanced Magical Item Analysis

The Analyst attunement grants the ability to perform advanced analysis of magical items. For example, it allows the attuned to detect whether an enchanted key will work in a lock[3].

Notable Analysts



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Torch that Ignites the Stars Appendix 4
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 20
  4. Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 19