Sera Cadence

From Wydd's Wiki
Sera Cadence
Occupation Student at Lorian Heights Academy
Featured In Arcane Ascension, Weapons and Wielders

Sera Cadence, also known as Sera Shard, is the sister of Corin Cadence, and a Summoner with a mysterious spire monster contract.

Attunements and Crystal Marks

Name Base Attunement Primary Mana Secondary Mana Tertiary Mana Function
Density Crystal Mark[1] NA Density[1] - - Allows Sera to draw on Density mana through her bond with the Transcendence Crystal[1].
Invoker[2] Summoner TBA TBA TBA

Allows a mage to draw power directly from their summoned monsters, rather than just casting their spells with their own mana supply.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Torch that Ignites the Stars
  2. 2.0 2.1 On the Shoulders of Giants