Taelien Salaris

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Taelien Salaris
Aliases Keras Selyrian
Titles The Taelien, Paladin of Aendaryn, Wielder of Dawnbringer, Amuletless Alliterator, Sorrowful Slayer of Sacred Stones, Supporter of Sapient Spirits, Cadet
Items Ulandir's Ghost Lantern, Sculptor, Mask of Kishor, Ring of Deflection, Dawnbringer, Dominion Breaker, Pale King's Regalia
Occupation Paladin of Tae'os
Featured In War of Broken Mirrors, Weapons and Wielders, Arcane Ascension

Early Life

Taelien is thought to have been born (or possibly created) by Karasalia and Aendaryn, gods of the Mythralis continent, as a sort of spirit and wielder of the Sae’kes Taelien. He was raised by Rethri, who took him in after Erik Tarren asked them to keep Taelien safe for him.