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Revision as of 05:27, 18 June 2021 by Jolteon0 (talk | contribs) (Initial Commit)
Primary Mana Stone
Secondary Mana Stability
Tertiary Mana Deception
Compound Mana Density
Location Valia
Spire Serpent Spire

The Shaper attunement is primarily a utility attunement, but has very useful combat functions, making it one of the most powerful attunements in one-on-one combat. Shapers are known for creating and manipulating artificial mana constructs, including simulacra. The shaper attunement grants the attuned access to earth mana and enhancement mana, along with their combination: density mana[1], the source of their mana constructs. At sunstone, it grants access to perception mana. The shaper attunement is most commonly found in the Serpent Spire in Valia[1].

Attunement Features

Features that are a result of specific attunement functions, rather than the types of mana available to the attuned.

Mana Constructs

Shapers can create and manipulate mana objects made of mana, or mana constructs. This ability is often used to create floating weapons, walls, and platforms[2].


More advanced shapers are capable of creating simulacra, a copy of the attuned created using enhancement mana. Simulacra can either be controlled by the attuned or fully independent, able to think critically and make independent decisions[3].

Notable Shapers



  1. 1.0 1.1 On the Shoulders of Titans Recap - Attunements
  2. Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 11
  3. Sufficiently Advanced Magic Chapter 7