
From Wydd's Wiki

Some of the Countries on Kaldwyn have noble houses, of which the highest (with the exception of Monarchs) are Archduchies. These Archduchies, as is typical on Venaya, are ruled by an Archduke or Archduchess.

Archduchies of Valia[edit]

House Theas - Currently Headed by Archduke Edrigan Theas

House Hartigan - Currently Headed by the Unnamed uncle of Antonia Meltlake

House Haven - Currently Headed by an Unknown member of House Haven

House Lanoy - Formerly Headed by Councilor Gerald Lanoy's mother, Current Head unknown

Archduchies of Dalenos[edit]

House Sengoku Currently Headed by Archduchess Hanabi Sengoku

House Ryotsu - Currently Headed by Archduke Soju Ryotsu

House Shori - Currently Headed by Archduke Kotetsu Shori