Alteration essence

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Alteration essence
Kaldwyn Name: Alteration
Mythralis Name: Alteration
Associated Attunement: Shapeshifter
Base Essences: Deception
Opposing Essence: Communication

Alteration mana, or Alteration essence, powers the spells that Alteration sorcerers and Shapeshifters cast to change their physical form.

Common Uses[edit]

Alteration essence allows a magic user to make temporary changes to their biology into either a template from a contracted monster, or a feature/form with which they are familiar.

General Effects[edit]

Forms and features achieved by the use of Alteration essence are temporary in nature. Once the spell is dismissed or the essence supply is exhausted, the spirit of the altered being reasserts itself and they return to their original form. When utilized in conjunction with Density essence, Alteration essence can also used to change the form of non-biological objects.

Specific Spells[edit]

Accumulation Benefits[edit]

Mythralian Costs[edit]

Known Interactions with Other Mana Types[edit]

Compatible Complex Essences[edit]

Antithetical Complex Essences[edit]

Demi-antithetical Complex Essences[edit]

Demi-antithetical 1[edit]

Demi-antithetical 2[edit]

Known Users[edit]