Peace essence

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Revision as of 00:34, 15 February 2023 by Rowan (talk | contribs)
Peace essence
Kaldwyn Name: Peace
Mythralis Name: Peace
Associated Attunement: Illuminator
Base Essences: Water
Opposing Essence: War

Peace essence is utilized in spells that counter belligerence and violent actions. It can also provide resistance to negative mental effects.

Common Uses

General Effects

Specific Spells

Ceasefire: Generates a compulsion that attempts to prevent people in an area from taking hostile actions.

Forced Armistice: A large-scale spell that blocks targets in an area from accessing their memories, abilities, and skills pertaining to physical combat, literally preventing them from remembering how to properly hold or use weapons.

Accumulation Benefits

Mythralian Costs

Known Interactions with Other Mana Types

Compatible Complex Essences

Antithetical Complex Essences

Demi-antithetical Complex Essences

Demi-antithetical 1

Demi-antithetical 2

Known Users