Valerian Legion Halberd

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The Valerian Legion Halberd is a normal halberd once used by Lieutenant Commander Kori Wolfe of the Fourth Valerian Legion during the final battles outside the capitol of Xixis. It is not dominion marked, so it is only valuable as a historical item, rather than as a weapon[1].

It is estimated that it was forged in 3055VF[1].


It is a broad-bladed Halberd with not enchanted[1].


After being found outside the Capital of Xixis, where Lieutenant Commander Kori Wolfe lost it, this Valerian Legion Halberd was in Kyestri's vault up until the events at the end of Defying Destiny[1]. It was likely stored in the Jaden Box during the looting of Kyestri's mansion.

When the Jaden Box is opened in On the Shoulders of Titans, it is not mentioned, and was likely given to paladins of tae'os[2].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Defying Destiny Chapter 8
  2. On the Shoulders of Titans Chapter 5